Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Standing Tall

Yep, Ethan can stand by himself. And he's proud doing it that at times he's kinda a show off. I tried encouraging him by clapping my hands and throwing compliments at him whenever he does it. Most of the time, he just climb on me to make himself upright, and then he'll release one hand, balance, and then voila! No hands, and he just stand and flash the brightest smile ever, knowing he'd acheive something great. I've timed him, and the best time yet is 30 seconds so far. But maybe because he'd fell down a lot, these two days he's rather caution. He release both his hands, but try to grab me whenever he doesn't feel as confident.

And finally the long awaited teeth are spurting out. My landlady's son who is 3 weeks older than Ethan already had 6 of them. But I rather not have Ethan get his teeth so fast, cause now he tends to bite my nipples when he's done with nursing. Yelp!! And because his teeth are coming in, he kinda lose his appetite. He doesn't want to eat and milk is the only thing he wanted.

No one really believes that Ethan is really strong...but my arms are black and blue with tiny little dots. At first I thought it was his fingers that caused it because he kept pinching me when he wanted to stand up holding against me. But I found out recently it's his toes that bruised me. He did it while nursing. That's how strong a baby can be.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Ethan's now a pro in cruising. Cruising in baby term means that he's able to walk around holding onto things such as furniture. We don't dare to put him on the floor to cruise, so we just put him in the crib. And he will pull himself up holding on the bars, and then he'll walk around. He even got enough energy to stand up just propping himself against the wall. And yes, he could navigate a little bit, slowly and cautiously. I guess it's pretty quick as average babies do that in their 10th month.

Two days before, Mund's ex-colleague came to visit us. Mund had to go to work, so when I said 'us' that means Ethan and I. Both of them are moms. L's son is amost 2 years old and E's son was born 2 weeks later than Ethan. But sadly, they send their babies back to Malaysia so that they could continue working here. At first, I thought Ethan would have some playmates.

Anyway, they invited us to join them for an outing. First, we went to a restaurant in east side of Manhattan where E's hubby (D) work as a head chef for a sushi place. The restaurant is rather small, but chic. And ohh...the sushi was delightful. Even Mund's restaurant doesn't serve such fresh and delicious fish. This is the second time I've tried D's, and both time had been very enjoyable. Ethan sit at a high chair and enjoy his own finger foods while once in a while he would try to grab our food or drink. We were there for quite a while, so later on, he got tired of just sitting there. E offered to carry him and walk around outside. Later on even D carry him. I guess both of them miss their son a lot, although they tried denying it. They said almost everyday they could see their child on webcam. But of course, what's better than flesh and blood. Furthermore their baby is almost as big as Ethan. At first, when E and I was pregnant, her date due was suppose to be earlier than mine.

Then later on, we went to Lincoln Center. Some event was going on, as there were live latin music. Not only that, a lot of people were salsa-ing in the open. It's a very refreshing sight. This sort of things would never happen in Malaysia for sure. And this would be the things I will miss most about US when we go back for good.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Amazing Discoveries

I've been trying to record a song to upload in kara-ok. One of my song of choice is a newly released by Joey Yung. One of the reason I like the song, is that the chorus is taken off 'Amazing Grace' with a few modifications. A lot of Christians may have been bored by listening to it, but it's one of the first few songs I know of that praises the Lord. Til this very day, I still very much enjoy the song. It never ceased to touch my heart whenever I listen to it. But, as I was saying, I was having a hard time recording my singing, cause Ethan kept shouting and crying in the background. After a few round, Mund seems to think that it's the song that bothered Ethan. We began to test it out. Everytime, without fail, when it reached the chorus part of the song, Ethan will start off with a sad face which later proceed to crying. He won't stop crying even if we hold or comfort him. Only when the song stop, the tears stop. Even when I sang a cappella, he could still recognize the song, and would cry. Many may think this might be a coincidence, but I believe it's truly the work of Holy Spirit.

As Mund have stated in the tagboard, yes, Ethan finally know how to roll over. From tummy to backside at first, and now he could roll over both ways. Not only that, he even started to crawl a little. He doesn't really have much control of his legs while crawling, almost focusing all his energy in his little arms. But he'll get better soon I know.

To those who have access to my site, please go and have a look. I've uploaded some new photos there and I didn't send out invitations to your email to announce it. There will be approximately 70 new photos. As for those who wasn't invited, please let me know along with your email. I might just add you to my contacts.


Since Andrew passed me the baton, I must do the honor to complete the following questions.

Total volume of music files on my computer:
1.23GB in My Music, and 10.1GB in an external hard disc. Of course Mund and I share them.

The last CD I bought:
Ein Deutsches Requeim by Johannes Brahms (It is a classical music sang in German of which I had participated when I was in Campbell University. It's kinda a big concert performance as Duke University, Elon University, Meredith College, NC State University, Peace College and Shaw University also took part. Recorded live on Feb 21, 2003. I know, it's been a really long time since I last bought a CD)

Songs playing right now:
None, except for Mund and Ethan's snoring.

Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
  1. Songs by Mariah Carey
  2. Songs by Celine Dion
  3. Songs by Christina Aguilera (I absolutely love her vocals no matter how slutty she become)
  4. Songs by Take That (Including Gary Barlow and Robbie Williams after they've gone solo)
  5. Hip Hop or Pop songs I could dance to

Okay, I know I'm not suppose to put just the singer, but the song title. I really can't think specifically which I like best. One of the reason why is that I left all my music collection in Malaysia and I hardly listen to radio over here. I don't know what's the latest hit or what's topping the charts. And as I've mentioned before, after pregnancy, my voice was gone (but luckily recently it's coming back to me) thus I don't even listen to any, even if I'm using the computer. And I love music too much to put them into categories. The only way music brings me back memories is to listen to them all the time at one time, and then forget about it. Everytime the song play back, the memories of that timeline in my life will followed as well.

And I'm passing on the baton to:

  1. Sue Anne
  2. Bibiana
  3. Mund (I really doubt he will update his blog because of this)
  4. DKBU
  5. Alicia

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Short Stories

- Currently dreading to blog, I'm not really sure what had happened to me, but seems like I'm having a 'book fever'. I bought myself some used books, and it seems that I was transported back to my high school time. I was crazy about fiction (mostly romance) that I couldn't stop reading until I've finished it up. It's normally around 1.5 - 2 inches thick, and will take at least 3-4 hours to finish a book. Yesterday, I was reading Jude Deveraux's Legend, and I couldn't take my mind off the book to go to sleep. Thus, I slept at 10am in the morning, sound rather extreme but I normally sleep around 5am. Hehe.

- While waiting for Mund to come back from work on his birthday, I was preparing food so I could cook later when he's hungry. Since I wasn't accompanying Ethan, he was fussing because he doesn't want to play by himself. I asked Mund's bro to look after him for me. After what seems like 10 mins, I heard a loud BANG followed by intense crying. I knew Ethan had fallen off the couch. I simply washed my hand under the tap and ran off as quickly as I could to hold him. By the time I reached the living room, Mund's bro tried to put Ethan back on the couch. His face was red, I guess with the pain and the crying. I tried to hush and calm him down, but he was immensely. He's not the cry baby type, and the other times when he fell, he seems to shush right after I hold him. But this time, he won't even take my breast when offered. After he'd cool down, I examined him and found a red bump on the left side of his forehead. All through the night, I tried massaging the bump, but he wouldn't let me. As I've said earlier, he wasn't the crying type, but whenever I touched his forehead, he'll almost start to cry again. I guess this time, it's really painful.

- My birthday present for Mund finally arrived, luckily it's just a day late (kinda like a belated gift) Since I didn't go out much, unless I'm with him, so I decided to get the gift online. So, what did I get for him?? Well, it's kinda his favorite thing I guess. Anything associated with Manchester United would be something he like, so I got him a jersey. Not only that, I also get Ethan the same jersey, so that they will have this matching father and son outfit. When I asked him to take a look, he was surprised. For the first time, I finally get to surprised him with a gift. I had failed at previous attempt, he somehow get to find out beforehand. And then, he started to bombard me with questions and comments. "How come it's black, and not red?" "I don't really like MU much this season, they aren't really that good" "How much you got it for?" "How come I have no idea you're getting me this?" etc etc... Yeah, I didn't know black is the 'away' jersey, but I'm bored with all his other red MU ones. And yeah, I had no idea how or what MU did this season, or the one before that, or years ago. But the look on his face, shocked but excited at the same time is sensational to me. Wish I could freeze it and put it into a frame. But the main thing, I think I got him a perfect present, at least for this birthday. Since it's so close to Father's Day, Ethan's jersey is considered the present. Hehe, can cheat a little. So hubby, Happy Father's Day!

- I found this new site from Nuchin (a pinyin lyric site for mandarin and cantonese songs) and they had launched a new karaoke site, where people can load up songs they've sung and recorded, and let other members judge and leave comments. It's rather fun but for the moment, there are only a few songs uploaded. Check it out if you have the time. Or maybe it's just me who have nothing better to do.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Will the real fat baby please stand up?

It's been quite a while since I last blog. I'm getting lazier and lazier to blog, to tell the truth. I have full respect for people like Andrew who could go on and on, blogging at least twice a week for the past 2-3 years. And also, Happy Belated Birthday to Doreen, who celebrated it on 29th May. Also, my hubby's birthday is coming up, any wise idea what gift I should get for him?

Ok, let's go back to the real topic. Nowadays, Ethan try very hard to stand up. At one time, he was tugging on my t-shirt's sleeve, and he even let out some noise that sounded like grunting, and...voila, he's standing holding on to me. I find it amazing cause he's so strong, and according to the book, average babies are supposed to do that when they are 9 1/2 months old. And...also rather amusing, cause of the growling and grunting sounds he made.

Another time, I put Ethan to his crib, which can say is more like his play pen, cause he never sleeps there anymore. He had this So, while he was holding on to the steering, he tried pulling himself up, but instead, he ended up having his butt in the air.

Then he tried another alternative, he tried pulling on the bars of his crib. I wasn't completely attentive to what he was doing, but when I looked, there he was, standing so proudly holding onto the bars. He apparently was very happy about it, since he kept laughing when I play peekaboo to him while he was standing.

He hasn't started crawling, but I really fear the day when he really can crawl or walk by himself. I can imagine running all over the place, trying to catch him, or getting really angry and frustrated trying to keep him safe. Well, have to start fool-proof the whole house then. Please don't grow up so fast Ethan...mommy is having a hard time trying to keep up...