Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, July 11, 2005


I think I'm really getting lazier and lazier to blog. It's not that there isn't any updates that I would like to blog about. It's not that I have writer's block. And it's not that I don't have the time to spare. Somehow the fire that had motivated me to blog has somehow sizzled down. I've moved on to something more exciting, and that's reading. Recently, I've bought 17 books from Catherine Coulter and 7 books from Nora Roberts. It's a little cheaper to buy used books in bulk. My favorite author has always been Judith McNaught. Since I've read almost all (maybe 80-90%) of her work, there's no way I'm buying her books in bulk. I used to have an ambition to write as well...but there's too many ideas of a storyline, but none of them good enough. Furthermore my grammar needs a lot of polish before I could really be an author. So as soon as I've tried to write, I stopped not long after.

Anyway, let's talk about Ethan. That little guy have a lot of guts and is a little show off as well. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but almost every evening I took him to the park. Most of the time I would let him get into the baby swing (unless there's a long queue which occurs during weekends). He love to swing. Started from cushioning him by bringing his own thick blacket to support him. After a while I try to take away the blanket while having him hold onto the poles on both side of the swing. The last time he went swinging, he try to let go of his hands! Both of them!! I was so terrified that I stopped the swing abruptly, in case he fell to the back and knocked his head. I get him to grab hold to the poles and swing him back on, and not long after, he again let go of his hands! And he balanced so well that he didn't fell backward. Also the proudest smile was carved on his chubby face. His palms were opened up wide, as if showing me, 'Look Mommy, no hands!'. But he's a wise guy too, keeping his hands near the pole in case he lose balance. Picture above was taken when he first started.

Although Ethan can pronounce 'Daddy', 'Baba' and 'Mama' nicely, he somehow get the notion that I'm 'Dada' (sounded more like Deh Deh). Mund and I tried to correct him by telling him I'm Mama but this is what usually happened:-
Me: BB, this is Mama not Dada. Dada went to work already, call Mama.
Ethan: Dada!
Me: Mama!
Ethan: Dada!!
Me: MAMA!!
Ethan: Daaa Daa... (with a smile on his face as if he's the correct one)
And the only way he'll ever call me Mama is when he's frustrated or angry or unhappy. Like on last Saturday when Mund dropped something on the floor and Ethan had woken up. Mund had to get ready for work, thus he put Ethan on the bed with me. Ethan like always, will try to climb on me, pull my hair, slap my face and etc. I tried to put him back to sleep by nursing him cause I really doesn't want to get up as yet. After finishing with one breast, he apparently is still a little angry. As Mund was changing into his work clothes, Ethan climb on me to pull himself up to stand. He then complained to Mund, ' Mamamamama Nen Nen!' followed by a little wailing. I asked Mund did he feed him before, of which he says Ethan only managed to drink 2 ounces. We weren't really sure if Ethan knows what he's talking about. I asked Mund to put him in his crib to play while I continued sleeping. Not long after Mund had left, Ethan was on the verge of tears, then I tried nursing him with the other breast. He then went back to dreamland. Apparently he was still hungry and haven't get enough of nen nen (milk)! Hehe...


At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee hee, talk about lazy to blog eh? You're a pot calling a kettle black!!

but gosh, I've got to say this...Ethan looks so different from the last time I checked his pictures! So handsome lah!! Aaawwwwww!!!

I remember the struggle between me and my husband to get our first child (Joshua) to say 'dada' and 'mama'. Ends up, no one won - he said 'kakak' first!

Sheesh! No more toys for Joshua. :-)


At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smart Ethan! He learnt the most essential word "nien nien" quickly, thus letting you guys know he is still hungry. I wonder when he will start pronuncing "wan wan" or play play. That'll be interesting.

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Mindy said...

Marsha: What I meant was that a few months back, there's hardly anything going on with your blog. But recently it's so active I'm having a hard time keeping up! Seems to a lot of people that I've vanished...but truth is, since Ethan started to crawl and cruise, I'm watching him like a hawk. Can't really enjoy my time online unless he's sleeping. And when he sleeps, I sleeps too.

HY: I'm not sure that he really knows the word nen nen. He did say that for a few days and I haven't heard him saying nen nen today at all even when he's hungry. Funny...had he forgotten??

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Bibilui said...

More words to teach Ethan .. such as Mum Mum (makan) Em Em (berak) Shu Shu (kencing) zho zho (duduk) Ki Ki (standing) .. hahaha .. Keep growing ha Ethan!!


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