Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, May 23, 2005

Poopy story II

As most of you guys know, I never know how to cook until I'm married. So, I was never good at it, and it will take like centuries for me to serve a decent meal. After I had Ethan, I rarely get to it anymore, cause he demand most of my time. Until lately... since Edwin (Mund's younger brother) is home. I would ask him to take care of Ethan while I cook. But I have to be real fast, cause at one time, Ethan waited too long for me, so he ended up crying and nothing Edwin can do to calm him down.

Since yesterday was a Sunday, and a rainy day, we're stucked at home. I did bought some food which I can cook, and so I did while Mund look after Ethan. Obviously Mund wasn't really 'looking after' Ethan, as he was busy getting on the Internet. Ethan was chucked aside to entertain himself to his toys.

Lately Ethan developed a habit to shriek with no absolute reason. Probably it's because he's bored, or it might meant something else, I don't really know. Just that when I was cooking yesterday, Ethan kept screaming in high pitch, while Mund just ignored him. So I decide to put aside cooking to breastfeed Ethan. Normally after breastfeeding, Ethan will be a good boy again. So, I just grab him, and hold him and suddenly I felt I've touched something squishy and to my horror, it's Ethan's shit!! I just yelled for Mund's help. He couldn't help but burst out laughing. Ethan was wondering what all the commotion was about as he'd stopped nursing.

In the end, Mund cleaned up after Ethan while I cleaned up after myself. Yeah, I know that I'm a mom and I'm supposed to get use to baby's poop...but I'm not. FYI, I wasn't the one who first mastered changing diapers, it was Mund.


At 6:57 AM, Blogger Bibilui said...

Hahahhaha ... ethan din wear pampers meh .. how come u will Ter'touch it ...

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Mindy said...

Of course! I will never let him run around without it unless he's taking a bath. But Ethan can produce a lot...what to do?

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wakz, baby Ethan is healthy woh, can produce so much, LOL. The force must be with him!

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Bibilui said...

waah .. geng wor .. hahaha .. ah jie san fu sai nei lar! jia you!

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Mindy said...

But he's not those baby who cry after he'd done his business. He doesn't mind sitting on his gushy mushy mess. It's up to us to discover the hidden treasure. Everyday, we have to stick our nose up to his butt to check for shit... imagine that.

At 1:52 AM, Blogger Suzette said...

Hahaha! I won't blame you for not used to Ethan's shit. Me too, whenever I handle his poo, even it is in a potty, I would still frown --> facial expression that I can't control!


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