Lilypie Baby Ticker

Friday, February 18, 2005

Friendly Visit

One of my best friend Reen, came to visit my family with her bf. Although it's a short trip, but it was really a wonderful time. Even Ethan had a great time with them, at least he didn't cry when spending time with them. Not only that, he even had a new toy from my friends. He's fascinated with the Sesame Street toy, as it has sound and lights. He touches a few times, and then voila! He was holding on the toy, not wanting to let it go. It's a rather heavy toy, and all of us are amazed by the strenght that his little arms have.

Another thing we'd discovered during this visit is that Ethan start to be quiet when there's strangers around. Whenever we're talking with our friends, Ethan will only make noise occasionally. He doesn't 'chat' like he normally does. And right after my friends left, he was sooo hyper, shouting and laughing with joy. This means that Ethan start to recognize faces! Yay! Good boy.


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