Up and Up He Goes...Grrr
I let Ethan to be on his tummy everyday to get his daily workout. Nowadays he can lift his head up to 90 degree, but it takes a lot of his effort. Whenever he does that, he'll grunt and make a lot of noises, just like muscleman when they lift weight. It's really cute, cause as if he's really the muscleman!He also start to have a lot of version of his cooing. I think he'd probably covered all the vowels, you know, those AEIOU thingy. And he normally coo when we talk to him, as if he's having a conversation with us. But don't talk bad about him, cause somehow, as if he understand, he'll put up a sad face or cry. I think probably he's catching the tune or feel of our conversation. But there's one time we were talking about something else, he thought that we were talking bad about him, and so he cried. Haha... and I need to calm him down saying that we weren't talking about him. Funny, ain't it?
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